Friday, September 25, 2009

Failure puts things in perspective

I failed this week. I don't particularly wish to go into the details of my failure, but I failed. This brings up a few observations:
1). I am genuinely disappointed with myself. Surely that means something.
2). I am faced by the thought: if I get don't get into grad school, what will happen?
3). I am willing to consider that possibility, and not be scared out of my mind.
4). I still want to go to grad school. More than ever.
Thus I must improve, as always. Be better. Demand more, because I have, this past week, offered so little. If you read this, understand that I am not proud of my failure. I must better myself.

1 comment:

  1. Remember one thing: if he falls, he fights from his knees. Don't give up my friend.
